Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Six Days in Fallujah...bringing gaming controversy to a head

This is an interesting game that has brought the issue of violence in video games back into newspapers and discussions. It's based on an actual series of events that happened in November to December 2004, in which a number of Marine's were actually, and understandably, killed.

Violence in video games has been an issue for years - arguably since their inception. Borne largely from a militaristic intent, video games are continually used as a sales and recruitment tactic, method of desensitization and war simulator. In a recent article in the Globe and Mail, those against the game Six Days in Fallujah argued it gave people a negative outlook on the world. I can't really say I agree, i don't think that's the issue. It's propaganda, pure and simple and it works. It does glorify the fighting and yeah, i can see how it trivializes the deaths of those who fought there, but people already know the world is shit. If they want to have a negative outlook, all anyone has to do is turn on the news.

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