Wednesday, April 29, 2009

This is why dogs aren't the internet sensations that cats are

Below i posed the question about our seemingly recent obsession with cats and then, suddenly, i was given the answer. The answer is this video. The frequency of dogs doing something funny on video is much lower than that of cats. Often it just comes across as loud and irritating (See below). Also, cat owners, which i used to be, are weird about their cats...obsessed. Cats naturally do funnier things than dogs, but their owners seem to always be ready with the video camera.

Anyhow, this is why there are very few loldogs:


A friend said the other day that it's weird we're all so obsessed with cats these days and it's true, we totally are. From lolcats to stuff on my cat, cute overload and spaghetti cat, there's so many damn cats. Is it the internet letting us spread our love of cats? Is it a result of the absolute domination of dogs in the dog-cat wars leading up until now? Who knows. I say go with it. Cats are damn cute and they do some pretty hilarious shit. For instance:

(This one's hilarious. I can just picture an evil genius cat sitting in its lair, pushing buttons that control lazers while typing out its demands to the world.)


Another wicked Modern Samurai showdown

This guy totally reminds me of "Bushido Blade." Anyone? Anyone? Amazing game with a simple but totally addictive and engaging gameplay with a "one-hit kill" system that was really fun to play. Especially reminiscent of the game is when the samurai returns his sword to the strike position above his head. Awesome.

Wowow, just when you thought computers were as awesome as they'd ever be...

let's be honest, no one actually thinks that. That's the beauty of computers, they'll always be getting awesomer. BUT, this is an amazing video of a series of computer-y things playing "Bohemian Rhapsody" by Queen...and apparently it's all natural baby.

No effects or sampling were used. What you see is what you hear (does that even make sense?)
Atari 800XL was used for the lead piano/organ sound
Texas Instruments TI-99/4a as lead guitar
8 Inch Floppy Disk as Bass
3.5 inch Harddrive as the gong
HP ScanJet 3C was used for all vocals.

Amazing commercial for Philips

It's for their new 21:9 television. This spot is exactly 2:19 long, but on the microsite, you can view it in a continuous link. It's a wicked execution, beautiful and eerie with a real "Dark Knight" feel. It's done by Stink Digital and directed by Adam Berg. Reminds me of the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board online scenarios we did, but EPIC.

This epic film is the centrepiece of the project. On its own, it clocks in at a (totally coincidental) two minutes and 19 seconds, but Berg conceived it to work as an endless loop. Visitors to the microsite therefore have the option to spin through the films single take shot repeatedly, to stop on a specific frame, or to watch it at the preordained speed. The film also contains embedded hotspots, which, when triggered, transport the viewer seamlessly from the heavily posted film to a behind-the-scenes version of the same shot. This constant moving between two layers of reality proved one of the projects biggest and most ambitious production challenges. Other details of the online execution play off the cinematic theme; the microsites loader doubles as a credit sequence, while rich media takeover banners drive traffic to the site by teasing viewers with an original Carousel trailer. All aspects of the production, from the film shoot to web design and development, were conducted by Stink Digital.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Super cute japanese lolcat

This is the same cat that slid into yogurt boxes (diet yogurt boxes) and then got cute.

This is just as cute. The best is definitely at the end...the jumping OUT. Hilarious

Monday, April 27, 2009

Christian the lion...

this is a pretty damn popular video, but if you've never seen it, you gots ta watch it. It's one of the only videos on the internet to which i have a genuine and powerful emotional reaction. So good.

Awesome new Honda ad

It's been WAYYYY too long since i've blogged, but work's been crazy and, as much as it pains me to admit it, it's gotta take precedent. But, this is a sweet little add from Honda for the Honda Shine. Similar to the sheep art, but with a perfectly strategic and intelligent media buy.

I hate to support ya'll leaving my blog, but if you want the full experience, either click here or the link below the video to see the actual media buy.

Honda Insight - Let It Shine from Honda on Vimeo.

this is how the video was made:

Honda Insight - The Making of "Let it Shine” from Honda on Vimeo.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

New shit from the Lonely Island Boys...

...I'm not really into these guys, but this is pretty good. The "jizz in my pants" one was pretty good.

A new viral video for Samsung phone

It's an interesting take on the viral video because it's actually utilizing the youtube audience, directly, to talk to them and have users talk back...should be interesting to see how people are responding.

Check it out:

The guy is a bit of a douche bag and his new trousers are ugly, but it's an interesting and slightly experimental execution. These things really need to be done with the right people.

Cool stop-motion video

Ever since i worked on the Polaroid PoGo website that used stop-motion in our video, i've been more aware of how people are using stop-motion. This is a pretty good example.

It's been a while since I did a lolkitty!

This is a great one. simple, cute and overall watchable.

Tektonik Dancing Wickedess

I'd fuckin kill to be able to dance like this. Tektonik's a bitchin dance style that I was first exposed to by Yelle's "A Cause Des Garcons" and it's such a great song to dance to...even for a hack like me.

But then i got this clip from Caroline and it's pimpin too. Looks so hard but so good.

We didn't start the...

These songs'll get stuck in yer head for sure...

We didn't start the landfill! This one's educational too!

We didn't start the flame war

And then the original. "We didn't start the fire" by Billy Joel

Banned commercials are a sham

The internet/youtube/blogging/digging age has made it possible for agencies to create super-inappropriate shit that the client can't agree to put on television but that's perfect for youtube and then people (suckers) like me blog about it and spread the word. Something worth considering when coming up with ideas in the future.

Another questionable commercial...this time for female grooming

I honestly don't know how i feel about this. I mean it's a relatively new product i guess and it's an interesting idea....but...scratch that, i do know how i feel and i don't like it. It utilizes the idealization of the 50's housewife, mowing the lawn and keeping clean. It demonizes the vagina as unclean and in need of tidying, again relegating that as a woman's responsibility. I mean shit, from vagina dentata to terrence howard (who said he's only be with women who have "cleaned up" with baby wipes), douches and scented tampons, women are constantly told their vaginas are dirty. So now the outsides of it need to be cleaned up too? I'm sure this shit'll do well though, that's the crazy thing.

Thoughts, anyone?

awesome faceless watch

It's stuff like this that totally makes me wish I lived in Japan. This and in-arcade Street Fighter 2 competitions. And all the weird sex stores. And the food.

This is a faceless LED watch designed by Hironao Tsuboi. It just looks like a metal band but shows you the time nice and clearly when you push a button. There have been a lot of really interesting watch designs coming out of Japan these days, but this has the added benefit of being clear on what time it is (which is a plus).

To find out how to buy it, go to 100% There's lots of other cool shit there too.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I love mythbusters!

And this shit is crazy. I can easily say that I have never seen anything to this fast. This is simply awesome...if you like bitchin' destruction.

Proof for my new screenplay!

I say new as if i've written many before. But without going into detail, my screen play is about zombies. Anyone who knows me shouldn't be surprised. But, i've always contended that a master swordsman would be best equipped to survive. Zombie's coming towards you with their hands outstretched...cut'em off. Zombie's walking towards you, cut off it's head. Perfect. No ammo running out, no guns jamming. Beautiful. So, this guy would be perfectly equipped to survive for a while.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Six Days in Fallujah...bringing gaming controversy to a head

This is an interesting game that has brought the issue of violence in video games back into newspapers and discussions. It's based on an actual series of events that happened in November to December 2004, in which a number of Marine's were actually, and understandably, killed.

Violence in video games has been an issue for years - arguably since their inception. Borne largely from a militaristic intent, video games are continually used as a sales and recruitment tactic, method of desensitization and war simulator. In a recent article in the Globe and Mail, those against the game Six Days in Fallujah argued it gave people a negative outlook on the world. I can't really say I agree, i don't think that's the issue. It's propaganda, pure and simple and it works. It does glorify the fighting and yeah, i can see how it trivializes the deaths of those who fought there, but people already know the world is shit. If they want to have a negative outlook, all anyone has to do is turn on the news.

Songs to Play at My Funeral

Not that I'm dying, but I was thinking about what songs I would want to play at my funeral. Like in Love Actually when the wife of Liam Neeson's character dies and she had requested he play "Bye bye baby." It was a great choice because it was moving yet irrevent, respecting and appreciating her time on the earth but without over-doing the melancholy of her passing.

My choices would certainly be varied, but some of the criteria would be:
- Something sad and moving
- Something celebratory and uplifting
- Something funny or ironic

I'll be updating this frequently, but I've got some early options today.

"Breathless" by Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds

"Into My Arms" by Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds
- Definitely death appropriate, it'll get the tears flowing too.

"I am Goodbye" by Bonnie Prince Billy
Straight up great song. Nice video too.

"Easy Does It" by Bonnie Prince Billy
I think kinda captures my laissez faire attitude...unfortunately

"I'll Be Glad" by Bonnie Prince Billy
Clearly i'm obsessed with BPB these days. Listen to this one to the'll get ya.

Monday, April 13, 2009

This is a great song too - The Cure's "Close to Me"

So awesome...there's a great little remix too. I'll try to find it.

The Cure - Close To Me

Man the internet's wicked...

I love this song - "Cool for Cats"

Makes me think of Bret Easton Ellis every time i hear this song.

One of the funniest "behind the reporter" clips i've ever seen

And i've seen a lot...this is definitely one of the funniest ever.

You thing those WSIB ads are bad

Check this out! The grossest workplace safety psa ever!

New movie from the creators of Office Space - "Extract"

Looks really good. And i'm not feeling energetic enough to say much more. Except I really enjoy Jason Bateman and Kristin Wiig and i think Mila Kunis is pretty hot. I'll just pretend that washed up douchey looking guy isn't Ben Affleck.

Sweet new sci-fi movie "Moon" coming out!

Nothing gets me more excited than a good old sci-fi film. That's not quite true, but I do really enjoy it. This looks like another sort of sleeper-hit like "Sunshine"...that was one great!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Wow, the most racist toothpaste commercial ever.

And there's a lot of competition for that title. I mean, there's nothing more racist than the idea of making your teeth as white as possible.'s a racist allegory for white domination...terrible.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Really cool site - Wim Vanhenden, Internet Artist

Really fun to explore with a lot of neat art effects and stuff.

Check out his site here.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

NEW mini mike balders breakdancer

Man, i thought this kid was fat...nope, judging from his tank top, he's just muscle-y...

Monday, April 6, 2009

haha, hilarious singing loldog

I'm not really in the mood to do any postings today. My birthday's today and i'm not in as good a mood as one might expect. Which is both weird and understandable.

Matter of fact, this dog kinda represents my mood pretty well. You can hear the melancholy in his voice while he hits some minor keys and howls at the harsh realities of the world.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Bruno Trailer

This shit looks hilarious!

I am OBSESSED with superbad

so here are some funny as fuck clips. If i could be an actor, it would be Michael Cera. I think he'd be a wicked guy to hangout with. He and i would get along really well. So if you know michael cera, tell him to talk to me.

Weird thing about this clip is that the guy with the pony tail is from that show "Numbers"...and i think the guy with the beard is the guy with the beard from knocked up...

hahaha, hilarious 911 call.

I have to imagine that as a 911 operator, most of the shit you deal with is pretty serious. But every once in a while there's got to be some hilarious shit. This is a perfect example of probably one of the funniest calls ever.

This is general distrust of the police means that i'm surprised the cop actually helps.

EMBED-911 Call for help with maths - Watch more free videos

Thursday, April 2, 2009 to make a viral video

This is really applicable to my industry and actually has some valuable ideas.

Louis C.K....thanks to Saeed for this.

If i were going to be a comedian, i think it'd be this one. Not by choice, but because of the way he talks and swears and the fact that he's got a red beard.

OMFG...this has to be the BEST video ever - big belly man!

hahahahaha, i'm still losin it. These will be the best videos you'll see all day. Guaranteed.

Justice league too!

Let's see how many episodes i can find...

This is the movie:

Justice League The New Frontier (2008)_(Extremlym)_
Vezi mai multe video din Animatie »

Watch 1x06 This Little Piggy in Animation  |  View More Free Videos Online at

This is the epilogue, so i think it's late in the season (possibly the end):
Epilogue (Justice League Unlimited)

I loved the old Batman the Animated Series cartoon

Watch Batman the Animated Series: Forgotten.avi in Animation  |  View More Free Videos Online at

Watch Batman the Animated Series: On Leather Wings.avi in Animation  |  View More Free Videos Online at

Watch Batman the Animated Series: See No Evil.avi in Animation  |  View More Free Videos Online at

Watch Batman the Animated Series: The Underdwellers.avi in Animation  |  View More Free Videos Online at

Watch Batman the Animated Series: The Last Laugh.avi in Animation  |  View More Free Videos Online at

Watch Batman the Animated Series: The Last Laugh.avi in Animation  |  View More Free Videos Online at

Watch Batman the Animated Series: Beware of Gray Ghost.avi in Animation  |  View More Free Videos Online at

Watch Batman the Animated Series: Be a Clown.avi in Animation  |  View More Free Videos Online at

Watch Batman the Animated Series: Two-Face Part 1.avi in Animation  |  View More Free Videos Online at

Watch Batman the Animated Series: Two-Face Part 2.avi in Animation  |  View More Free Videos Online at

This is totally sexist, so if you're easily offended, don't watch it...

I think it's from a german comedy show, but it's super offensive, so watch with care.

New Batman game looks AMAZING!

It better be good, cause i'll be pissed if it's not.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

OMG! Little Balders dancing!

This kid is totally a mini-Mike Balders (if baldy was a good dancer (oooooohhhhhh SNAP!))

Toned-Down Marble Madness

It's still pretty maddening...shit.

Ghosts 'n Goblins!!!

Ghosts N Goblins Flash Game


It's been pretty slow at work these days, so games help pass the time. You should try some of them, they're wicked!

Free Online Games brought to you by ArcadePoint.Net

Talk to strangers!

Without the awkward being arrested part...

This new site,, is a cool idea, but it's kinda weird and disconcerting. I hit "start a conversation" and then suddenly wanted to leave. Then some guy asked me where i'm from and we were off.

The beautiful thing is you could be talking to someone like this...

or someone like this...

Check it out here.